Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My All-Time Daily 13 Success Tips

1. Attitude is everything.
"Success begins with an attitude. Winners habitually face the work of the day with the purpose of discovering what can be done instead of worrying about what cannot be done." Paul J. Meyer. Think like a winner, approach life with the confident expectation that you can overcome any problem. When you believe in yourself, others believe in you.

2. Set specific goals and action steps, and write them down.
Zig Ziglar tells us that we will hit our target every time if we don’t have one. The single most important step in getting somewhere is knowing where you're going and having a plan for getting there. Your goals have to be written out, and so does your plan. Be specific, date each goal and each step on your action plan. Then follow it.

3. Read and review your goals daily.
This one could change your life. Keep your goals in front of you. Always know what you plan to do next, and always take the action your plan calls for. Write your goals out on 3x5 cards and carry them where ever you go. Review your goals, review your plan, change them as necessary, and stay with it. It only takes two or three minutes each morning to read your goals and glance over your plans. You're going to spend the next 24 hours that day doing something; you might as well be doing something that counts.

4. Set daily priorities.
Your goals and action plan will tell you what to do. Next, put your priorities in order. Crystalize your thinking, set up a daily priority list the night before and follow it to its completion. Develop a dogged determination to follow through on your plan, regardless of obstacles, criticism or what others say, think or do.

5. Winners are willing to accept responsibility and be creative.
Learn to exercise initiative. Do what it takes, what is needed and become personally responsible. Never make excuses. Acknowledge mistakes or failures and learn from them. Pursue your responsibility to do and be your best. Winners cultivate their creativity, trust it and exercise it. Do not give any recognition of the possibility of defeat. Eliminate it from your mind.

6. Turn off the television.
The less television you watch, the more successful you will be. Most television wastes your time, while it programs your mind with the wrong input to be successful. Do your future and your family a favor. As much as you can, break the habit, spend your time doing something of value, and turn the television off. Cut the cable, watch positive and success oriented DVD's.

7. Believe in yourself.
Winners are willing to pay the price of success. Never listen to the negative opinions of others, and make the choice to eliminate negativity from your life - completely. A good attitude is not an accident; it is a habit and a skill that you have to build for yourself. Practice going through life with your success switches being turned "on." Develop a no-limitations belief in yourself.

8. Associate with people who are more successful than you are.
You may have to change your friend-base. We become most like the people we spend our time with most. Seek out the successful people; people of quality, honor, integrity, and achievement. Spend time with them in person. Listen to them on CD. Make your car your own "rolling university." Or read their stories in books. We get the most from the people who have the most to give.

9. Live your life based on "values."
Your values are the pages on which the story of your life will be written. Practice the values of honesty, integrity, trust, determination, compassion, patience, personal responsibility, the willingness to work, and the courage to endure. All lasting success is built on positive values. Your values will determine the "dash" or what others will remember you by.

10. Practice your faith.
In the lives of people who are truly successful in every way, you will always find a foundation of faith. If you want to live your life at your best, practice your faith. Not just an hour a week bur every hour of every day. Let your light shine. Develop a no-limitations belief in your Creator.

11. Make the choice to believe in yourself and in your future.
Believing in yourself is a choice. The people who are the most successful learn to tell themselves they can do it. Practice believing in yourself. Practice telling yourself you can do it; no matter how difficult, no matter what it takes. You've got what it takes. You can do it! You are capable of more than you have ever imagined! Now tell yourself that.

12. Do at least two things each day to improve yourself.
This is one of the top ideas on every achiever's list of how to be successful. If you want to get more successful, you have to learn more. Each day, think of two things you can do to improve yourself that day. Take small steps. Read something. Listen to something new. Learn something. If you want your life to get better, you have to start by improving yourself, first. Start slow if you aren’t doing it already. Read five pages per day or spend 15 minutes each day in personal development. It will change your life.

13. Never quit. Never Stop. Never give up!
If you want to be successful at anything, make it your passion! Be determined, persevere, stay with it, refuse to give in, don't hesitate, don't hold back, and don't quit until the job is done. If it hasn't worked yet, try harder. If you haven't reached your goal, refocus your sights. Visualize the outcome, recommit to making it. Start again. Take action, stay with it, and never, ever, give up!

Opportunities never come to those who wait, they are captured by those who are ready and dare to attack.

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